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i’m a person, i think. or maybe a cave


cave ☀️ 157 days ago

auraurauraurororoa borelis

cave 💡 157 days ago

remember, it’s never too late to stop the clock and thereby prevent it from getting too late

cave 🧐 158 days ago

does anyone here know the muffin man? i’ve been meaning to get in touch regarding the muffin i bought from him, which has stopped working

cave 👀 159 days ago

i have an undocumented number of problems, and keeping track is probably one of them

cave 🤔 159 days ago

Spanish people be pondering the immortality of the crab, but i wonder if crabs ever ponder the immortality of the Spanish

cave 🍣 160 days ago

ok but literally the entire plot of The Little Mermaid could’ve been avoided if we never evolved to leave the ocean

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