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ze0r πŸŒ™ 11 days ago

I miss you most in the dark.

ze0r πŸ”₯ 35 days ago

Google: how to put myself into cryosleep for four years on a budget

ze0r πŸ™ƒ 41 days ago

Down so bad for this man, my better judgement just quit without notice

ze0r ❀️ 85 days ago

Google: how to best convince a guy with firm biceps to choke me out. Asking for a friend (the friend is me)

ze0r 🌱 97 days ago

The itch for a new tattoo is strong today

ze0r πŸŒ™ 109 days ago

The type of tired that sleep just doesn't fix

ze0r ❄️ 136 days ago

The things I'd give for one more day of feeling tiny little paws on my leg asking to play outside.

ze0r πŸ€” 155 days ago

Still thinkin' about that sustenance goo in the pods from The Matrix. How hard you gotta slurp it through a silly straw, d'you reckon?

ze0r 🌱 162 days ago

Call me Aloe Vera the way I be soothing these sayers.

ze0r ❀️ 164 days ago

THS & BBS-P 9Ever

ze0r β˜•οΈ 166 days ago

Dreaming about coffee on the front porch and long walks in the park talking about everything and nothing.

ze0r ✨ 177 days ago

I love watching my relationship bar fill up with other people like a sim. Gotta be in top 5 best feelings.

ze0r πŸŒ™ 185 days ago

If I don't think about it, maybe it doesn't matter?

ze0r πŸ˜‚ 189 days ago

Thinking about Raiden's ridiculous handless, naked cartwheels in MGS2. We really don't deserve Kojima.

ze0r 🀩 190 days ago

In my restless dreams I see that town, in 2160P where I can see all of James' sins and Maria's leg hair.

ze0r ❀️ 197 days ago

Cute first date idea: lovingly prepared home cooked meal and explaining Metal Gear Solid lore for six hours

ze0r πŸ§‹ 199 days ago

After rewatching Aliens, I can't unsee the Slurm queen. She's just making Slurm classic, Ripley's interrupting her production line.

ze0r 🧐 201 days ago

What's with today, today?

ze0r πŸ€– 204 days ago

It’s all about the pentiums!

ze0r ✨ 205 days ago

People that are passionate about things are just, *chefs kiss* my absolute favorite. Yappers of the world, keep yappin'.

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