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wtch 📺 10 days ago

shrek night! actually can't believe one of my friends has actually never seen the movies

wtch ✨ 19 days ago

finally, a long weekend

wtch 🥱 19 days ago

zombie mode

wtch 🙃 22 days ago

work has me developing a pretty violent eye-twitch today

wtch ✨ 25 days ago

tgif fr fr

wtch 🐱 26 days ago

Catwoman (2004)

wtch ☀️ 26 days ago

the sun! it burns!

wtch 😴 27 days ago

please just let me sleep

wtch 💻 27 days ago

ignoring emails is what i'm best at

wtch 😴 28 days ago

knock me out pls

wtch 💻 28 days ago

time to write

wtch 🐶 28 days ago

doggo walking

wtch 🥱 28 days ago

wish i could go back to sleep

wtch 🙃 29 days ago

more and more sure that I am truly just a lesbian

wtch 🙃 29 days ago

feeling the urge to quit my job and run off into the woods never to be seen again

wtch 💀 29 days ago


wtch 💤 30 days ago

and if i should die before i wake, to thee, the gays, i give my soul to keep

wtch 🌈 30 days ago

just queers yapping

wtch 🎬 30 days ago

movie time again - barbie rapunzel

wtch 💻 30 days ago


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