i definitly need to add more buttons to my site
- Homepage
- https://whirrfox.moe
- Not defined
- About
- hiii!!
updated my homepage a bit, and now you can also headpat sophia!
presentation and exam hell are over!! ^w^
done with the first presentation! though it ended up to be 5 minutes instead of 15...
i'd love to work on my site, but i have two 15 min. presentations to work on (not finished yet) and i have to present them in a few days...
had a dream with a interesting story idea last night. still thinking what i'll do with it.
can't wait to write a exam tomorrow and having to put my deadname on it :/
why do i feel so self-conscious about showing my interests irl?
i guess right now it's ladybugs season in my room
finally bought a domain!
somehow addicted to playing minecraft again and building in my base
this year i want to talk to more people and be more social, but i don't know how to start talking to people :/
wait, it's already new year's eve tomorrow??
finally started to play echoes of wisdom ^w^
why is it still so foggy outside?