feeling bad is so dumb
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- untitledblog.neocities.org
we are (relatively) so back
we are (relatively) so back
i wish people would just be honest.
it's always the same shit.
i love women
back at school. so far it is going good.
after work i sit on my porch with my dog and i smoke a joint. life is good.
working on site redesign
hope everybody is doing well and staying sane during exam week <3
weed so yum
why i am so bad at updating this there is NO REASON!!!!!!
i did very good on all my midterms (i think)
I'm terribly about updating this. College is going good tho so... that's good!!!!!
Currently almost 2:30am… Sorry for being MIA! I’ll be back soon. So tired, blah.
ive been consistently overstimulated for like 2 weeks now
im very much over going outside. just leaving my house. over it.
i have to do adult stuff tomorrow. sad and stressed.
i am drunk for the first time in a long time