i wonder if its 2o weird 2 buy a headlight just so i can draw at night or use my computer without needing 2 turn the light on Feeling: tired
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I love tormenting my friends with my the help of my friends Feeling: meepmorp
I'm starting to draw again! I'm so happy Feeling: happy
I changed phone companies and now the old one is calling me like a desperate ex Feeling: important (to some extent)
I love my cats they are so great Feeling: cat
Happy new year!!! Feeling: year
Applied to like, 10 different places. Hope to get to work as a barista !!!!! Feeling: funky and tired
I need to get a job but I hate people what do I do Feeling: funky and worried
I got obliterated in drawing. I will burn the pages tho. Feeling: funky but sad
Half of my brain is resting, the other half is longing for destruction
Trying to stay alive while everything is very much against me
studying math for upcoming academic detruction