teig 🥱 1 day ago
Still sick, still coughing, three shows this weekend, and MH Wilds is coming out. I ain't got time for this, dude.
Still sick, still coughing, three shows this weekend, and MH Wilds is coming out. I ain't got time for this, dude.
Man, going through other sites on neocities now is insane! Ya'll are talented, holy...
I've been at work a little over an hour and I'm already out of work to do come ON dude
Simply watching this engineering team ignore my good advice and watching them continue to fail. Whatever, as long as I'm not being blamed.
Rediscovered the band Tiny Fireflies, and now I want to do a remix. :O
Literally nothing to do at work today, so I'm practicing Blender until I'm good at it