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soft-binder 😭 8 days ago

i watched Look Back!! i sobbed like half the film dkslfjsdlk

soft-binder 🙂 12 days ago

first hand ot appt today after a few weeks!! fingies crossed (lol) my strength increaseddd

soft-binder ✨ 12 days ago

getting new glasses soon!! if i also get my tattoo and hair bleached at the end of the month im leaving october a different person LOL

soft-binder 🥺 14 days ago

a make-up tattoo slot might be open at the end of the monthhh fingies crossed

soft-binder 😭 15 days ago

a power outage hit the tattoo shop right when we were abt to start and it didn't end until 2ish hours later so we had to cancel until mAY

soft-binder 🤩 15 days ago

tattoo today!!!!!!!!!

soft-binder 🥹 16 days ago

im getting my first tattoo tomorrow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

soft-binder 😎 18 days ago

opened a cereal box without destroying the top!!!

soft-binder 🎶 18 days ago

listened to this mixtape recently, found a few bangers! just wish watercolor was buyable surasshu(dot)com/master-mix-music-in-2023

soft-binder 😎 20 days ago

yerrr i got my TOC workin on desktop AND mobile

soft-binder 👀 21 days ago

scent split sent me a 20% off coupon,,

soft-binder 🥳 22 days ago

Finally got this set up!