sandal 🐱 12 days ago
hi meow
hi meow
sick and im not sure if ill get to finish the bowl I made in ceramics class :-( maybe I can glaze it next trimester during my free hour
new dir album in the works omg
finally done with links page yay!
so so so so so so happy got the glass skin cd I ordered!!!!!!!!!!!! now I just have to wait for the average blasphamy dvd to come I love dir
burger for dinner hell yeah!!!!
Kyo not bald anymore noooooo
I think im going to change up my blog page
I keep forgetting to update my update log
dir en grey akatsuki demo so good wtf
im hungry..........
was going to play gris but I didn't know I needed a controller so I need to wait for mine to charge
working on dir page but I think its going to take a while...