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riverbankwillow 🎱 2 days ago

something very strange has been happening to me and unfortunately there is no way to describe it other than "my Joker arc"

riverbankwillow 🌈 26 days ago

Maybe, despite everything, things will work out

riverbankwillow 🎶 31 days ago

Making music is so difficult maybe I should read about it HAHA crazy I know

riverbankwillow ⛵ 32 days ago

feeling very strange as of late, no idea what's happening

riverbankwillow 😭 42 days ago

I love animating so much, almost cried today

riverbankwillow 🎮 51 days ago

Started playing Persona 5, it might be over for me

riverbankwillow 💤 59 days ago

I'm so tired... I'll all be worth it but damn... so tired

riverbankwillow ❤️ 68 days ago

very happy with how the website is turning out. feels more and more like home

riverbankwillow 😭 73 days ago

Wanted to take my camera on today's trip but forgot the battery in the charger.

riverbankwillow 💀 80 days ago

decided to record a timelaps for a new drawing, i'm not sure if the laptop is going to handle it well

riverbankwillow 🎶 81 days ago

Thinking about learning to dance... a little bit...

riverbankwillow 🤐 86 days ago

Temper issues are acting up, takes 70% more effort to be normal

riverbankwillow 📚 87 days ago

Tried using a gallery template, failed miserably. Screw it, I'm learning java, I'll do it myself.

riverbankwillow 💤 92 days ago

Good lord streaming is exhausting... fun but now i want to hide in my cave for a week

riverbankwillow ✏️ 97 days ago

haven't worked on my website in a while feels horrible this needs to change

riverbankwillow 😎 99 days ago

Recovering from surgery. Doctor proscribed gaming

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