been so tired recentlyyyy what is my problem
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ren ☆ he/him ☆ 24 ☆ usa
leavenworth, WA is a christmas wonderland for real
only way out is through i guess!
partied with my boyfriends coworkers tonight lol
hating my boss sooooo much rn
bought some epic new jeans today yaaaay
one of my bosses got punched by a guy stealing a tote bag from our is this real
san francisco is such a cool city
been failing to do any of my hobbies that aren't studying for japanese + journaling lately so my website is pretty statuesque right now :(
this country is actually insane. byeden
he's still alive. YAWN
can i be honest. i still don't understand position:absolute and position:relative
out of money for this month screaming crying etc how am i gonna live.....
it's kind of wild firefox doesn't allow custom scrollbars. ik there's probably a reason for it but, still
made the executive decision to lower the amount of japanese flashcards i have to review per day.....the pace was too grueling for me orz
bf just made me a life schedule w built-in free time saur hope it works!!
my body needs to decide if im sick or not i cant keep doing this halfsies shit
sometimes i crave 90s/00s public relationships to media so bad that all of my critical thinking skills fly out of my head
for some reason i am always running out of time to do the things i want to do :[
need to catch up on japanese studying i missed bc of moving :[