shipping products? more like feature creep (ft. technical debt)
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i have 4 project and none done
the sentence "knuckle sandwich" is so funny
it's actually so easy to please me (understanding eigenvalues/vectors/space for example). irritating me is also as easy (i try hard not to).
i slept for 20 hours today
i literally took a nap at the library because i wanted to study. i have never taken a nap in my life.
new day new me !! i WILL study today !!
i didn't study at all today. instead i factory reset-ted my phone. finals is in 5 days and i have spared exactly 0 hours to study and review
actually its like 6pm now and i don't feel as sleepy! just a slight headache. i wonder how i would feel next morning though...
i feel like i'm still dreaming and its 10am... i haven't slept in 20 hours
im actually so sleepy its not one of those 'too tired to move' sleepy but genuine 'im going to pass out' sleepy
been thinking about switching to react from 11ty. but then i gotta set up everything from scratch