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testing, testing- [insert loud awkward microphone feedback noise here]


pommeroulette 🎱 16 days ago

sometimes you do a double feature of chicago and gone girl alone in your room till after midnight. that's life.

pommeroulette 🎱 17 days ago

y'ever have a moment of clarity and change your mind in the middle of a blogpost about your mindset? highly recommend!

pommeroulette 🎱 24 days ago

staring into the eyes of a wicked decision tree of my whole existence or something

pommeroulette 💀 25 days ago

all men on college campus know is to give me influenza-A apparently. wtf.

pommeroulette 🎱 39 days ago

you ever get that feeling of overwhelming hopelessness due to realizing how sidelined you are in your own life? yeah, me neither.

pommeroulette 🎱 58 days ago

new leaves and such and such, hello, goodbye, et cetera and so forth...

pommeroulette 🎱 60 days ago

well, better than the alternative?

pommeroulette 🍸 64 days ago

an unspiked drink is like an angel without wings or whatever they say.

pommeroulette 🎱 79 days ago

my heart's fucking empty and I'm tryin to fill it up, but it's not big enough for the both of us!

pommeroulette 💤 79 days ago

it's just one of those nights. cheers.

pommeroulette 🎱 80 days ago

yeah, I guess I'm my own boss. but everyone's my supervisor >:(

pommeroulette 🎱 80 days ago

I change my mind too quickly for this...

pommeroulette 🤖 81 days ago

christ i am such an html poser. ctrl-v is my best friend. thank fuck I'm no longer a cs major because wow. I could never live this life.

pommeroulette 🙂 81 days ago

a man with the worst hair explaining eigenvalues may just be my best hope to pass a stupid class. what a life.