Erwin shrine out now! Although it's still a WIP. Sorry for the slow update
I'm back, but site update will be very slow. Currently working on my thesis this year
I'll be back soon, just finished moving! Excited for a new start in life
It been a while lol. Don't worry, just busy with college. I'll be back soon i promise
I just wanna go to a party and dance the night away
Editing tumblr html sucks bro lmao i hate it sm
My stuffs finally here! Can't wait to do my set up
You bring out the poet in me istg. I will write tons of poems about you
Just how much the Goddess grace you with Her blessings? How come it is enough to make a stranger across the sea praying for your protection?
For once in my life, i never felt so free
I knew i'll get back to this mf sooner or later. Not complaining tho lol. Welcome back, deary ♡
I'm too tired re-installing photoshop on my laptop after the death of my ssd and photopea has been working like a charm for me
Just got my first paycheck, rad ♡
Someone just made butch luther and i want her so bad pls
20 more days till i can go back home... please make it quicker
I always feel bad after being angry at someone, even though i deserve to be angry at them... Worst feeling ever
I regret not making my site in 2020 cause i got lots of free time back then, but now i keep having shit to do
Back to square zero. Such a dissapoinment, but what can i do? Can't keep lying to myself any longer...
Gifcities been quite slow today...
We're finally reconnected again guys, so it's been a great week. Also, currently working on my first shrine, let's goo!!!