join my new webring!
- Homepage
- About
age: 19
pronouns: they/she
hii everyone, sorry for the inactivity. i'm gonna fix my website and keep working on it soon. mental health is hard!
to do list: - work on journal/blog layout - start doll page - organize links better - resources page (i figured out how to make pixel fonts)
hello everyone, it's been a while since i last edited the site. i should get back to working on it this weekend-- i haven't been doing well
im so tired and sleepy i havent had the chance to code at all bc of how busy ive been >:(
feeling a lil sick cus i got the third dose of pfizer yesterday so updates will be slow today
finished the layout! slowly editing other html's layouts etc etc also changed my about me :)
still deciding the new layout, i'm not sure if i like it or not! struggling to find graphics for the site so i might make my own :(