still alive, just very... very busy this week.
- Homepage
- About
- Occasional musings of an internet denizen.
homepage is getting super close to finished, all thats practically left is a bunch of asset making and boring js programming.... ughhhhh
getting started on the new home page, hopefully it won't take too long ^^;
been spending my time trying to get important stuff done, why is paperwork always such a headache... yeesh...
oh god school is starting tomorrow and i had so much i was supposed to do during this break... oh well! hahahaha i'll live
getting started on my revamped site, loving how it's turning out so far, so excited!!
hi gay people in my computer we sure do be alive today yippeeee
sleepy time g ood night
working on a brand new site + i've almost finished writing a new shrine, life is good
things are slowing down a little as of late, but I'm hard at work on a lot of things behind the scenes. I'm trying my best!!!
todays a good day to draw :)
I am not forgetting about my Site I SWEAR It's just taking me forever to write The very last parts
the urge to program html things is real.............
a million things on the to-do list but i'm too exhausted from school to get any of them done
finished my last art assignments for school today, got everything finished for art now wooooo :D
sometimes it's okay to waste the entire day sleeping, i did that today, and i needed it tbh. There's always tomorrow.
i have all these blankets on my bed and my cat decides my clothing is the best blanket to sleep on, thanks dust.
made a pikmin web ring :DDD we out here GAMING
i think about it and im not sure why i dedicate myself to writing something in here once a day, maybe just to let the world know im not dead