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nagitokomaeda 📚 10 days ago

college prep is taking up so much of my time aaaaah i miss working on the site

nagitokomaeda 💤 18 days ago

sorry for the slow updates, job applications r killing me

nagitokomaeda 💾 26 days ago

going around cleaning up my inline css nightmares... its honestly pretty soothing

nagitokomaeda 💤 31 days ago

i've been so sleepy lately... i should be able to take a nap with no consequences

nagitokomaeda 🎮 37 days ago

minecraft has me SO distracted i'll get back to working on the site eventually i promise

nagitokomaeda 💾 39 days ago

catbox is down, which is why the whole site looks broken!

nagitokomaeda 📚 44 days ago

spent two hours working on transcribing letters .. back to the minecraft grind

nagitokomaeda 🌈 50 days ago

going out to eat with my counselor today ... peace and love on planet earth

nagitokomaeda 💾 50 days ago

i think iframes were a mistake. in other news i've been struggling with this shrine for 3 hours

nagitokomaeda 💻 55 days ago

my eyes hurt from coding all day... ack!!

nagitokomaeda 💾 56 days ago

i'm probably gnna remake my button later, it's workable but could be Much better if it isnt made directly at 88 x 31

nagitokomaeda 💾 56 days ago

javascript is far too confusing. i feel like i'm going a bit insane and this is the easiest javascript to ever script

nagitokomaeda 💾 56 days ago

let's see if this rss feed thing works!