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mossysthoughts 😱 10 hours ago

my bjd is def in canada now but her status isn't updating aaaa

mossysthoughts 🙂 37 days ago

my shoulder is in so much pain today yeowch

mossysthoughts 😴 43 days ago

consistently wanting to go to bed long before it's an appropriate time to do so

mossysthoughts 👀 47 days ago

why do i suddenly want to be gyaru

mossysthoughts 🙂 49 days ago

how on earth do people organize their websites

mossysthoughts 😭 52 days ago

quite possibly the worst exam i have ever written

mossysthoughts 🙃 54 days ago

why does nobody research anything

mossysthoughts 🙃 55 days ago

how did i fool so many people into thinking i'm smart

mossysthoughts 💻 70 days ago

man i wish the legend doll site didn't take so bloody long to load all the time

mossysthoughts 😭 72 days ago

oh my god i think i got it right this time

mossysthoughts 😡 72 days ago

how many times am i going to restart this goddamn sweater

mossysthoughts 🙂 73 days ago

spending the day drifting in and out of consciousness w/ weak legs this does not bode well for con weekend

mossysthoughts 🥰 78 days ago

god i love choco churro turtle chips

mossysthoughts 😯 78 days ago

i need my prof to email me back my anxiety is through the ROOF