melankorin 🙂 9 days ago
hard at work on v5. hope to have it ready to go soon!!
hard at work on v5. hope to have it ready to go soon!!
listening to edm... it's boring as hell. was 13yo me easier to please or was i just lucky with my edm picks?
svg my BEHATED
rip drake lmao
they took the lego movie website down. this is my life tragedy
wish i could be harder at work for v5 but its so messy here
death, go away
new toilet same shit
adulting amirite? 😂 #relatable #memes #xd
and i feel fine
rebuilding this website with 11ty for testing purposes. if the results are good i am making the move for real
New Adventures in Hi-Fi my beloved
dart sass my BEHATED
eleventy documentation my BEHATED
hugo ssg my BEHATED
i sleep what?