curling up thinking about the creatures in my brain while giggling to myself while also thinking "theyre so stupid" rn
- Homepage
- nada
- About
IRL cockroach
feed my children
gonna send emails to the webrings im in tmrw to update my website link, wish me luck
changed to github pages
might change hosts (again) to github, it makes more sense
might rework the way webrings are displayed
gonna dither the stuff from /creations/tsag
i archived my haikus and stuff yay yippee!
i should probably archive my haikus
i remade them :}
might remake the thumbnails for the art, we'll see tomorrow
just forcing a file deletion dw about it
i dont think imma work on my website today i just wanna play videogames
i might start blogging soon, im not sure yet
some of them need to be cropped, ill do it later though
i think ill delete some of the concept art ngl
so webp might be the better option here....
nvm we're making this alll avif
gonna need to delete the whole website a bit, dw it'll come back
btw i actually hate webp (almost as much as i hate video tutorials) but if it makes my website load faster why the hell not
so theres that