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Darwin (she/they), game developer from Florida, USA


lavendermochagames ✨ 64 days ago

Happy New Years 2025! Starting the year off right with a lavender mocha from my favorite local coffee shop and eventing!

lavendermochagames 🌱 67 days ago

Officially finished all the Day 1 maps - onto eventing!

lavendermochagames 🌱 78 days ago

Working on what's (aside from a very simple tweaked version of an existing one) the final tileset for the game!

lavendermochagames 🌱 101 days ago

Working on mapping the final area for the first day; and taking some heavy inspiration from Aveyond to do so!

lavendermochagames 🌱 110 days ago

went through and added all the forage-able plants into the map; next up is walking through it and giving it a vibe check!

lavendermochagames 🌱 110 days ago

Finished filling in the woods! Going to do another pass over the weekend to make some tweaks and add in collectable plants.

lavendermochagames 🌱 119 days ago

Officially halfway done with the woods map for "Day 1"!

lavendermochagames 🌱 122 days ago

I've finished 4/5 tilesets for away in the woods now! Taking a break from graphics to work on events!

lavendermochagames 🌱 125 days ago

After much longer than I expected, I finally finished the forest tileset for away in the woods! Onto the caves, which should be much easier.

lavendermochagames ☕️ 134 days ago

Making new autotiles for away in the woods! I'm using a more subdued color, so I can have more variety in the game's plants

lavendermochagames ☕️ 156 days ago

I wonder how many times I'll say I'm running through Inn Need for the last time before it turns out to be right. :P

lavendermochagames 🌱 201 days ago

Working on filling in the forest map for away in the woods with all the plants that will be used for sidequests in the game

lavendermochagames ☕️ 204 days ago

Finished implementing the field guide (decided that worked better for this game than herbarium)

lavendermochagames ☕️ 207 days ago

Working on implementing a herbarium/field guide system!

lavendermochagames ☕️ 258 days ago

Made progress on the baseline maps for away in the woods's cave system!

lavendermochagames ☕️ 259 days ago

I haven't been very good at keeping up with my to-do list for away in the woods, so I'm diving back in and dividing it into smaller pieces.

lavendermochagames ☕️ 314 days ago

Pleased to report I have a final version of the away in the woods quest flowchart completed!

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