I am going to run after work tonight at the indoor track. I don't want to get cold/wet toes running outside in the snow.
- Homepage
- Jerryscoolpage.neocities.org
- jerryterrifying@myyahoo.com
- About
- I'm a regular guy with a webpage. I like doing cool stuff with my kids, playing Sega Saturn and riding my bike when I have the time. Just regular guy stuff.
I want a portable printer for reasons.
I want to take a nap instead of going to work.
Someone saw my last status and kindly pushed me in the direction of solving my problem. I will have to get around to it sooner or later.
I guess newer neocities pages can't integrate status cafe. That's pretty lame.
My current website project is taking a long time.
75 Hard day 1. Wish me luck.
I love Victor's Tacos super nachos but it's two hours before I get off work and can use my home toilet. I'm not gonna make it.
I love Victor's Tacos super nachos but it's two hours before I get off work and can use my home toilet. I'm not gonna make it.
I've recovered several of my coolest geocities pages. Preserved my 1999 to 2001 style immature humor. Hell yeah.
If there's a booger in my nose I'm gonna pick it.
My toes are cold.
Pumpkin pie.
I found a really cool Mario Kart Double Dash stop watch.
I made some video games quizzes for my website. They're Myspace quiz style so copy and paste em into your blog if you're feeling it.
Moving furniture with pals.
For some reason my status cafe just doesn't want to work on my neocities page. It works when I test the page locally.
Currently playing Burning Rangers.
Is it messed up to have chatGPT make myspace style quizzes for myself to do at work?
I'm off this Sunday and dang it I want to ear mark some Sega Saturn time to try and beat Burning Rangers.