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do not forget.. the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again... lock in...
somebody plz make it so that my computer would explode when I switch to a tab unrelated to the task at hand. hyperbollically. fictitiously.
dropped a class.. the weight has been lifted and yet my heart remains heavy
typical bus route was cancelled... had an impromptu hike to campus
oh linkin park we're really in it now
writes the worst essay ever. asked to leave.
I am never gonna write an entire essay in just one day ever again, this is so bad
gotta write this essay in a day... wil; I survive..
how cruel of my brain to stop craving for freetime the moment after my exams are done
happy lunar new year! :D
where is your whimsy........ we could've selected a more fun paper to write about pleaaaase
ripping apart generative AI with my teeth
am . am I imagining it? I hear a faint bird call in this library. the ceiling tile is open...
ok... mustering all my willpower... to actually get this assignment done...
wave of sadness!
Well, that was a fun couple of days. Great while it lasted, time to get back to work.
Feeling terribly nostalgic for old DeviantART art memes...