de most important part of de rocket travel is de blast off. before i go, i gonna get blasted. oderwise i not go near dat ting.
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flu sux
in an alternate timeline id be home right now
fuck around fuck around
solstice 1:20a PST Winter is here
winter is coming
rain. where's that ark when I need it?
week to the solstice
i have no status
VPN why u so cranky?
one of life's saddest things is stumbling across a porn star's web page and seeing she hasn't updated it for 8 years.
need moor pie
looking forward to the replicated dead burned bird meat
I need AI to filter people out of my life. "hear that voice? mute it."
i have no job to go tomorrow, and this is my choice
why you no work mr ssd?
we don't pay line persons and first responders enough
here's the part where I really really like to hear line persons get paid well and have good benefits
here's the part where I really really like to hear line persons get paid well and have good benefits