drinking ginseng coffee. feeling better already.
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- https://dunkelblum.jimdofree.com/
- immaeffe@mail.com
- About
- Imms. 32, Pisces. Italian. Still trying to find my place in the world.
feeling like shit and my country has zero awareness/care on pms and period problems, i hate it i hate it i hate it
just chillin'
HUGE news today. i'm crazy anxious but also happy
i love my sis and my bro in law. but idk how to show it! should i write them a letter? what else can i do? i have 0 money, maybe smth diy?
i love my sister
idk how to feel today
only a few hours before midnight...please 2025 be nice to me
2025 is coming...idk if i should be relieved or worried for what's coming next
waiting for italian big brother now...i need to fry my brain for a while with trash tv
tomorrow is christmas eve, wish i could fall asleep right now and wake up on my birthday. i hate this. without dad, it's all meaningless.
i love my dog so much, he's adorable and i can't think of my life without him i also love the stray cat who basically lives on my balcony
why am i still watching the italian big brother? its beyond me i don't understand why am i so attracted to steaming piles of crap
just eaten, slice of turkey and salad cause im on a diet. hope you are alright and well, lots of love
feeling super okay today