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Photo: Daniel Jason

Status.Cafe ‒ The user named Daniel Jason (29) has been on the internet since around 2006 and startet doing webdesign things in 2007.
If you're looking for resources, such as:
- textures
- backgrounds / patterns
- emoticons
- designs
- cutouts/pngs
- a stamp maker
- & more to use for your graphics or website, visit our website:



danieljas0n ✨ 4 days ago

i started decluttering a bit at home. so theoretically i’ve started spring cleaning.. i guess

danieljas0n 💀 7 days ago

istg im so ducking fried from work today i just wanna lay in bed for 13 hours without talking to anyone

danieljas0n 🤒 11 days ago

i have a cold. AGAIN. tell me you work in a kindergarten without telling me you work in a kindergarten (ಠʖ̯ಠ)

danieljas0n 🙂 12 days ago

y'all refresh your caches! spring is a month away but we couldn't wait any longer! EFF winter, honestly (ง •̀_•́)ง

danieljas0n ✨ 17 days ago

i'm finally able to sell my stupid car with its stupid engine damage, not getting any stupid money for it, sighhhhhhhhhhhh

danieljas0n ✨ 24 days ago

"Your resilience will turn struggles into victories." our fortune cookie said and I found 5€ on the pavement. 💵 thanks fortune cookie! 🍪

danieljas0n ✨ 26 days ago

got some steps in today, had a few French lessons, played Valorant and treated myself to some chocolate!

danieljas0n 🍫 28 days ago

starting my weightloss journey 2.0 - imagine me not having a yoyo effect afterwards this time. LMAO

danieljas0n 🚄 33 days ago

i was at my dads house yesterday and i had to go there by TRAIN. ugh. did NOT miss the smell of sweat and desperation.

danieljas0n 👽 40 days ago

i got my walking pad out and did 6.000 steps while watching Drag Race. also did 2 hours of duolingo in the morning. what a sunday LMAO

danieljas0n 📺 42 days ago

rewatching a letsplay of "rule of rose".. it's just that good. also love "track 11" from the soundtrackkkk

danieljas0n 👀 46 days ago

okay, so my dioptres have worsened by -0.75 on both eyes and I am officially blind as a bat 🦇 thinking about getting them lasered...

danieljas0n 😴 48 days ago

"golden bachelor" is probably THE best show to put on if you want to fall asleep quickly while something is playing in the background LMAO

danieljas0n 🤩 51 days ago

The problem with my car has been solved: I'm going to sell it. Stupid thing. Love our Fun Corner, it's so fun!! What do you think?? <33

danieljas0n ✨ 52 days ago

this week has been a rough week and its ONLY TUESDAY. GIVE ME A BREAK.

danieljas0n 😭 56 days ago

alriiight, my car is getting repaired starting today. if you listen carefully, you can hear my bank account crying.

danieljas0n ✨ 59 days ago

Update: My car has engine damage and the repair will cost somewhere between 2 and 5 thousand euros. Can someone hit me with a frying pan?

danieljas0n ✨ 61 days ago

y'all i cant make that shit up, but my car broke down on my way to my family. AGAIN.

danieljas0n ✨ 61 days ago

y'all i cant make that shit up, but my car broke down on my way to my family. AGAIN.

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