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dan 🎮 9 days ago

Watching competitive Mario Kart on cable TV. What a country.

dan 🙂 9 days ago

Hello Tokyo

dan 👀 9 days ago

Falling out of the plane into the Pacific ocean an would be a great time to stretch my legs. 12 hour flight crampy

dan 🎁 10 days ago

Haven't slept in 36 hours. In-flight WiFi is expensive. But in-flight beer is free.

dan ✈️ 10 days ago

Goodbye Toronto. Next stop, Tokyo

dan 🙃 10 days ago

Hello Toronto

dan ✈️ 10 days ago

About to board my flight to Japan!

dan 🙂 39 days ago

Looking forward to Japan trip

dan 🙂 414 days ago

If the Earth had two suns, you'd be able to play Wii Sports outside without a sensor bar.

dan 😴 418 days ago

sleepy at the tech meetup

dan 💀 421 days ago


dan 🤖 426 days ago

Doing GitHub Actions things