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Hi! These are just random things we feel like telling people, mostly about antiracism, spoken from land stolen from the the Kayapós, the A'uwẽ, the Akwê and the Xakriabá.
Free Palestine, free Congo, free Sudan.
nowhere in particular →
Statuses now's as good a time as any to get Organized against the shit happening nowadays
almost redesigned my website for the 9th time, but decided against it to keep the website chaotic :þ
oh god oh jeez i wanna remake my website again oh dear oh shit oh god oh fu learn about the Romani people!!
the fight is never over fight the famine caused by the civil war in sudan!!!
finally added a land acknowledgment to my site! kinda hard bc where i live isnt part of any demarcated indigenous land antiracism express choochoo help this family in Gaza
universities are so bureaucratic, almost as if theyre terribly aristocratic and not made for the regular citizen :3
happy* indigenous people's day (*its not really a happy day)
if you're making something that flashes, MAKE SURE it flashes less than 3 times a second. PLEASE.
just added back my bookmarks! (pls watch the youtube channels)
me when i realize everything has to do with politics:
i'm moving to nekoweb the state of missouri is killing an innocent man in 12 hours