The hand that shaped the rose has wrought the crystal of the snow...
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Fabled greetings!
You really ought visit my site! I've added several new tutorials and some articles about the Before Times.
My old addiction to bullet journals, microns, and mildliners has returned.
When aliens actually do show up, they're going to hate all our gross alien conspiracy theories. We won't be able to join the Federation!
The great thing about being a feminine monotheist? You can answer most theological questions with "LOL UR MOM" in earnest.
The ending of Squid Game 2... I don't know how to feel about it. It depends on how season 3 goes, I suppose??
I love my husband and the rest of my family and my cat-in-law and even the ficus in the living room.
Grateful to be alive here and now in this wonderful world with so many amazing people.
Grateful to God the Mother...
Excited to be on speaking terms again with the main character of the web series I'm writing.
Working on my web series. It's such a blessing when my characters finally begin to speak to me again.
Love to Her in Heaven.
This week has such potential!
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats!!
A sour apple vape is a good complement to breakfast.
Waiting for the Solstice...
Sometimes Reddit posts about neocities inspire me to write articles, but usually not. It's rare, but it does happen!
Running behind on the newer webbed projects I've been planning.
There should be web shanties. Like sea shanties in olden times but about the internet.
God loves us, and she wants us to be free. No chains, golden or otherwise.