I know filegarden went down but I don't feel like reuploading every image on my server. (At least not now.)
- Homepage
- chromaeleon.neocities.org
- chromaeleonplush@gmail.com
- About
- All news and updates on what's going on in the Conservatory will be uploaded here!
Unfortunately losing motive to keep working on the site, might take a break.
Wish I had more friends to play games with, I refuse to use Discord to find groups rip
Been feeling as though I am not capable of creating art. It's been so hard getting back into sewing and drawing.
Planning on doing some doodling, and maybe some sewing today
I gotta get back into sewing, art block is eating me up pretty bad.
Been having a lot of trouble staying awake.
Trying out notepad++ since vscodium was using a ton of memory for some reason.
Sitebuilding has been so much fun, I wonder how much more I can make this year.
Finally made the switch to VSCodium!
Struggling to find motivation to work on anything.
Got around to updating the site! I think I may take a small break and work on some personal craft projects.
I realize that I don't really need to have a toyhouse when I can just make my own character pages :0
Thinking about removing the guestbook, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose atm.
Site updates have definitely slowed but it's mostly because I have so many assets I have to draw.
Figured out fonts finally, I initially had way too many and it became an eyesore. Hoping to update by next week.
Picking out fonts is so hard. I'm going back and changing them out again.
Played my first PVP game of League, that was extremely stressful.
WIP blog is almost complete! Just need to fill in the boxes and insert JS for pages.
Thinking of doing a different color palette for the WIP blog.