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when I look at you, I don't know what's real

I like Valve games, cooking, nature, old anime, Linux, and creatures.

Let's be friends if you also share the feminine urge to become a modern day Luddite, carry a flip phone, destroy your social media presence, and start a blog. Evil companies can't have my soul. Government can't track me. Tech works for me. I don't work for tech. You can't advertise to me.


bica 🍕 20 hours ago

Holy shit a pizza just fell out of the car in front of me and they kept driving; I'm eating good tonight

bica 😭 232 days ago

I don't care how good you say it is I'm not reading Homestuck

bica 🍦 384 days ago

taking a lighter to the bottom of my spoon like I'm smoking crack but I just want it to be a hot spoon so I can eat ice cream faster

bica 🙂 384 days ago

so happy I remembered to bring gloves on my walk outside ^_^

bica 😎 384 days ago

feel completely manic every time I get home from biking, like I somehow have more energy than when I left

bica 🌈 384 days ago

i know what the walgreens cashier is thinking when they see me buying that eyeliner and i promise it's nothing good

bica 🍕 385 days ago

spinach alfredo bacon pizza - vote now on your phones

bica 🙃 385 days ago

dude my coworker cussed me out for five minutes straight and then stormed out of the building, I think I just got him fired

bica 🛹 386 days ago

clearing my head with a bike ride!! sometimes you just have to get out of the house at 4:06:57 AM!!!

bica 🎶 386 days ago

i think the who realized they'd written the perfect song with baba o'riley and panicked so they added a violin solo

bica ✨ 386 days ago

providing live shopping advice to my friend while they're at wal-mart and streaming from their phone camera