I want to scromit but I'm exhausted. It's an LDAR kinda day today.
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- INFP type 4 taurus
I fucking hate Hakeem Jeffries so much like dawg you never did anything you just complained about people expecting you to DO YOUR JOB
its just one of those where you don't wanna wake up everything is fucked everybody sucks
I have to update this more all my previous statuses are about going to bed XD
exhausted gn gamers
goodnight gamers
Every time I look at the skateboard emoji I wanna get on my board but then I remember my balance is terrible.
Feeling kind of invigorated to do more activism and do better for myself.
watching a video essay on biking and city traffic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7ag0bqGNu4
proud of myself for finally finishing a fucking page I haven't completed anything in like forever
just feel so powerless
watching Vaush trying to stay positive but I'm in the fetal position
Free Palestine
been so tired lately I hate it
just maybe can't do that update today, got stuff going on tomorrow sadly
I'll try to finish the anti-hate speech page and add more information to the anti-abuse page. I've been meaniing to update it for a while.
omg my status widget on my website broke
I have to be with my family all of them voted for trump no no no no no no n non no *vomits*