instagram i'm coming for your ass
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- it's like twitter but just for me
do not try to have serious conversations in the discord app
how and why did the red scare girls become a household name among the (now-exiled) blue checks. i don't like that they come up
2025 is the year we win the war against the platforms
starting a new life as a guy who wins instead of loses
would love to get a little group of sonic obsessives together so we could compete for the best times on our personal leaderboard
advances in technology are supposed to be about making things more efficient. at some point we lost sight of this
whenever i browse the web to dnb or jungle music i feel like i'm connecting with my ancestors
there's something wholesome about a old-fashioned forum dogpile
actually useful linkedin post just dropped. never thought i'd see the day
i just cannot understand why anyone would purchase anything from a door-to-door salesman
i love you public library
i NEED to make a videogame
i'm a northernlion stan now
glad to have a place for funny tweets without having to join bluesky