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so you're telling me a worm made this soup?


currently feeling: The current mood of whirm at www.imood.com


wormsauce 💤 136 days ago

i'm radioactive yay! scan over now i eat and then sleep

wormsauce 😱 136 days ago

GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <- guy who isnt even in the machine yet

wormsauce 😴 136 days ago

my sleep schedule sucks chat i'm so cooked

wormsauce 💀 137 days ago

filled with scanxiety, genuinely can't deal with any more today </3

wormsauce 😭 137 days ago

pet scan tomorrow yay

wormsauce 💔 137 days ago

nobody knows how bad my jaw hurts right now

wormsauce 🤩 138 days ago

hooray for having multiple things to worry about, now including friends falling out with each other

wormsauce 💻 138 days ago

wunkus is about to delete all social media and move to neocities (lying! but if i did the world would literally become a utopia i fear)

wormsauce 🌈 138 days ago

gay and i have a headache happy pride month

wormsauce 🥰 138 days ago

long haired men. i agree

wormsauce ✏️ 138 days ago

actually working on drawings wahoo

wormsauce 🥗 139 days ago

not allowed to worry today! taco bell instead

wormsauce ✨ 139 days ago

editing whumpfic

wormsauce ✨ 140 days ago

writing whumpfic

wormsauce 🌈 140 days ago

tomorrow: Absolutely Nothing!!! no responsibilities or i'll collapse into dust and particles

wormsauce 😶 140 days ago

things are gonna be fine. it's fiiine it's fine. everything is fine

wormsauce 🤩 140 days ago

pain yaaay yaaay Pain Labyrinth

wormsauce 😴 141 days ago

today was stressful and i am very tired. the appointment itself went well but i hope i can fix my sleep schedule before my next appointment

wormsauce ☀️ 142 days ago

i'm doing what i can. even if stuff would be better if i wasn't like this, i am, so all i can do is my best

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