My fiancé listened to me practice for the first time, too. I'm happy he enjoyed it. He already knows Japanese, haha!
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Hello! It's Bunny!
I'm happily engaged to:
I really enjoy learning Japanese on Duolingo! The app makes it so fun to practice lessons, all the characters are very sweet.
Sometimes, I feel like a bunny with a paintbrush. Lots of pent up energy to paint and draw and create...
bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny
Love my fiancé's status cafe, though, it looks so cool
Oh my god I just picked up the ham... two hours of straight driving. I feel so tired...
I totally lost the ugly sweater competition at the work christmas party... and I gotta pick up a ham later.
Also I did so much work on my website but the creative urges make me keep doing mooooooooore!
Hopefully the VISA application goes through soon, I'm really happy to be engaged to him!
We're going to get matching flip phones! I'm so happy!
I just heard about how long my fiancés flip phones battery lasts. I need this in my life!
I am here!