Not feeling too great emotionally right now.
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- I like birds.
Ugh, I have so much shit to do.
Furbruary is tomorrow.
Disregard EVERYTHING I said about working on the website. Palia's new update is tight as hell, Goodbye friends I am gone.
Well, since I can't force myself to write or draw, I might as well work on the site.
Someone PLEASE tell me to work on my writing and art instead of the webbed site...
ONE MORE DAY till Maji Market in Palia!!! I just wish I didn't have to work late...
Lost my mind over Kingdom Hearts 2...again. But we're almost done!
Update's done, time to chill and make pickles in a video game.
Big update coming today! first I gotta clean up the house a little!
Finally joined the MelonLand Forum! Will stick a button and link to the webring up tomorrow along with the rest of the site update
Hell yeah! Got everything ready for the site update tomorrow! Time to take a break!
Progress on new stuff continuing! This blog post is an absolute doozy to write.
Going to try forcing myself to take a break from coding the site so I can actually make stuff to put up here. (Challenge level: very hard)
Ahhh, got the gallery sorted. Now I can actually focus on making stuff for the website again! But first, a burrito bowl.
AAAAAA I gotta get that new Gallery done before January 30 or I'M GONNA MORB!!!!!
Lots to do today! Hopefully I can figure it out!
Today wasn't too bad!
Turns out dehydration feels a lot like a hangover, who knew!
Is it possible to have a hangover without drinking anything? Because it sure feels like I have one.