i'm going absolutely berserk. running around in a little circle like a domesticated beast. my best friend is coming to visit!!!
- Homepage
- https://manyface.neocities.org/
- Not defined
- About
- manyface is a system hosted by jáščer. our body is 25 and we like making art, writing poetry, and taking photos!
had two days of work helping out at an event w free art activities... feeling tired but fulfilled!
organised everything in our links page by colour bc im sick in the head
i wanna make a page w funny/relatable pics but i'm more committed to keeping our site easily viewable on mobile... what 2 do..
20 flower sun and rains and 1 make me worse kings of the city having an absolute time in this salt and pepper diner
i'm so happy i got to see my dad today for the first time in four years! we had lunch and went to the botanical gardens :)
super nervous abt seeing my dad tomorrow, for the first time in 4 years. [shaking] i will be okay!!! i will win!!!
i think the cat in the hat has to be an exalted figure like jesus or chuck norris except of pure malicious chaos
happy birthday to our sister! she's 21 today :D !!!
matoumaxxing is an important step in a persons life how about you read a fucking book flukeman
and all it took, a little look across the room!
life will be nice in a few days. but it is pretty unpleasant right now.
would you change all your names to “email” for a million dollars?
breaking news: coronavirus. i have it
our application to an artists' bursary was successful!! joyous day, big things are coming!
sunda colugo i'm your biggest fan
got hit with neocities' 10 comment per day limit. surprised i've never seen this before tbh
i’m just killing to get my heaven, you will tear your head! be my sweet pet…
going to an open mic is like performing an exorcism on yourself. it's good.