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amateaur coder, professional slacker


kiyuyu 😴 99 days ago

finally getting an appointment with a pulmonologist im so happy bc im so tired

kiyuyu 📖 99 days ago

finally caught up with sociology now it's time to blast through marketing LFG

kiyuyu 🙂 100 days ago

hyperfocus over time to use the bathroom

kiyuyu 😎 100 days ago

nyehehehe finally customized my page, I'm getting better at this coding thing I think! I'm still pretty damn amateur tho

kiyuyu 🙂 100 days ago

imploring people to look at labeling theory especially in the online climate

kiyuyu 💻 100 days ago

learning about conflict theory perspectives on deviance, rly interesting shit tbh

kiyuyu 💀 104 days ago

finally withdrew from algebra, hopefully i get the petition accepted

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