This time I'm really gonna do it.
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🇻🇳 vietnam has won, all colonized people will win!
all bite no bark
i fucking need the thought cabinet cloak
i know my first kiss is right around the corner
self-medicating so hard got back my periods from nowhere
feeling so blue cant see no more orange
might as well give up everything 👋
900 minutes straight on webfish! i'm doing well chat!
nothing more shameful than me being unintentionally a crybaby in public
i was put on earth to silently webfish with someone from cyprus seated next to me in the void
in the rheumatologist's waiting room, hungry, heartbroken, and anxious af cuz of those fkin patients screams inside
gaslighted by love but at least i know daily spoiled food got me ✌️ to death i hope
watched a shitty movie (anora) then got the worst headache of the year... weird huh?
webfishing changed me in just a few hours!!! how can there be so much warmth on earth???
living alone for years but no one is waiting at home (📱) anymore
i feel like i've been devoured, but at least ill never go back
georges abdallah is finally free. burnin my favorite incense tonite to thank god for always being on our side
my turn to feel the gaping hole and the emptiness. also dreamed of stalin's death
its crazy how nothing catfishy was happening to me since January! right?
cancelling everything
the romance in dandadan is goal!!!!!