Approaching finals week...
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Got a PS3 and modded it!
got a new power board for my ps2! let's see if i can revive it!
my ps2 died :(
Fall break is so close, yet so far....
I'm back home, and I can work on my site again!
not dead! just on vacation :)
going to california next week. never been to that site of the us lol
at a concert! can't wait!
Been playing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk! It's very fun!
Splatfest time!
Finally got a choker to wear!
School starts today. Blegh
Hoping to get my Wii U set back up this week!
Barf, school starts in 3 days
Maybe neocities being down is a sign from the universe to actually sleep tonight
Man, neocities went down while I was working on my site :pensive:
Working on my site shrines! It's actually a lot of fun!
So happy Splatoon 1 is back up! It's really fun!