I can't find my half tablespoon
- Homepage
- https://ctrl-c.club/~gome/
- Not defined
- About
- I'm a gome
- I write choral music
- I make things with the computer
- I read and learn and ponder
it's one of those Saturdays (in a good way)
might have to update my ramen recipe to include chili paste
Merry Christmas & Boxing Day (Observed)!
I killed my favorite cooking pot...
got a couple IQ points back by going to bed earlier
power went out. time to wander
went to a fun party yesterday
the whole apt smells like bacon... but I'm not making bacon
back in hometown for Thanksgiving
saw blue jays and a cardinal on a walk
I pan-fried tofu, put it in some curry, and put it on top of tater tots. 👍
first time simply spending a day alone since I moved
pretty nice out today! but I wasn't outside that much...
ate big donut...
wow, it actually snew last night...
had espresso this morning! not survival coffee
drinking survival coffee today
walked around a nice lake