antidepressant withdrawal symptom is hitting me hard
- Homepage
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I've never been good at talking about myself, but hello! ^_^ I'm Dizzy, and that's really all you need to know about me. :P
- Cursor from RealWorld Designer
- Vanosky font from Fontesk.
I currently feel pretty anxious -- Time to watch things instead of clinging to people. I hope that will be less detrimental
if it sucks, hit da bricks
I need to make myself take a break from the Internet... I'm so tired of not getting anything done!!
i am so so sleepy. soooo, so sleepy......
I'm so sleepy
another power outage?!
i worry for minors on the internet. discourse, harassment, internet addiction...
i'm so sleepy....
installed linux mint on my new chromebook, and i wish there were a way to change the keyboard layout
today was an experience! i'll write all about it in my html journal tomorrow!
Merry Christmas, (and everyone else reading)!!! I'm listening to Christmas tunes on the radio!
Merry Christmas Eve!!!
The power is out, and it's very windy and cold. I don't like this ;;
i love the muppet christmas carol!
In a VC LOL getting late
I think that I should master CSS before I try anything else...
i have accomplished Things!!!!
i feel kind of christmassy and happy right now!
sleeby deeby