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I love tech and communication, especially together. To God be the glory. ✝

Status Cafe Profile


davidvkimball 🥹 443 days ago

Thankful for how the Lord has blessed my life.

davidvkimball ☀️ 444 days ago

Got up, took a shower, trimmed my beard, did my hair, opened the curtains for my wife, took the trash out, and cleaned the kitchen!

davidvkimball 🤩 446 days ago

More time to work on projects. Yay!!!!!

davidvkimball 😴 448 days ago

Extremely tired. Had a tough time sleeping last night, can't even think of the last time I was this sleepy waking up!

davidvkimball ✨ 449 days ago

inspired. new website coming soon!!

davidvkimball 🤖 450 days ago

Getting work done! Videos are being made! 🙌

davidvkimball 😎 452 days ago

about to talk to Northwest University for some SEO help

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