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HI neocities coming soon I'M WOKRING ON IT!!

when i pick the onigiri emoji it's because idk which else to pick


ada 🌈 158 days ago

hmmm i don't think he wants a relationship BUT he wore my hairband & we hugged :3

ada ❤️ 159 days ago

aaaand we're meeting for coffee tomorrow. is life good actually? unbelievable.

ada ☀️ 163 days ago

i may be swamped with homework and in dire need of a haircut but idc i love being alive right now :3

ada ✨ 163 days ago

HE TEXTED ME?? this relationship shit is a breeze fr

ada ❤️ 165 days ago

I DID IT!! he most likely realized that I have a crush but THERE'S NO GOING BACK AND THAT'S OKAY

ada ☀️ 165 days ago

the thought of paying him a (non-weird) compliment is making me feel happy, I think I'm gonna go for it? holy shit

ada 👽 165 days ago

"bE yOuRsElF" theres a reason i put that thang away

ada 🤔 166 days ago

okay FINE I'm in love. but at what cost

ada 🌈 168 days ago

category 5 bisexuality event

ada 🤐 169 days ago

i need a haircut so bad

ada 🍷 177 days ago

if you're NOT on your period right now: CHERISH IT. If you are: this too shall pass queen we will get through it

ada ☀️ 178 days ago

everything worked out + smoked a joint + recognized toxic thought patterns + grew as a person = most banger day in months

ada 😎 180 days ago

blender is easy to use actually

ada ☀️ 183 days ago


ada 🧐 186 days ago

future me would appreciate if i finished this paper today but she would also appreciate getting enough sleep. what do i do

ada 🍙 187 days ago

that's sausage to me

ada 🐱 190 days ago

breaking: cat, 13, does not like to be played like a bongo, more at 11

ada 😶 191 days ago

why do "fandom spaces" make me feel lonelier than ever

ada 😎 194 days ago

i had no classes this whole week lmao

ada ✨ 198 days ago

I deserve so many treats for managing to do 12 pomodori of homework while there was some kind of a circus going on outside

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